Volkswagen Poland

Fire protection of the latest generation

About the project

In a construction period of less than two years, Volkswagen built the most modern car factory in Europe at Września. Around 800 million euros was invested in the project - more than any other foreign investment in Poland. Up to 3,500 workers were employed on the large construction site, including specialists from Schrack Seconet, who equipped the site with fire alarm systems to the latest standards. Volkswagen decided to work with their trusted partner again and Schrack Seconet also implemented fire alarm systems in their other production sites in Poland.

About the solution

Fire safety for all factories

Volkswagen has built up extensive production capacities around an existing factory site in Poznan, since the beginning in 1993. There are many good reasons why they continue to choose Schrack Seconet to install their fire alarm systems. "Our fire alarm systems have proven to be technologically superior and reliable in the long-term. With our local network of technical specialists, design engineers and security experts, we can ensure experienced implementation and ongoing support", explains Grzegorz Cwiek, head of Schrack Seconet Poland.

The production site was literally built on a greenfield site and is 220 hectares in size - the equivalent of 300 football fields. At full capacity, they can produce up to 100,000 vehicles per year. Volkswagen is now producing the new generation of the Crafter here, which has just been named International Van of the Year and features Formula 1 technology.

Diverse detection technologies

Technical fire safety presented special challenges for the seven production halls and the numerous other buildings - the factory workshops are more than 11-metres high. After a thorough examination, the ASD 535 special fire detectors proved to be the ideal solution and Schrack Seconet installed a total of 300 systems. The new fire detectors meet the specific requirements for extensive building complexes with high ceilings in Poland, are extremely reliable and facilitate maintenance and servicing. Additionally, the ASD 535 also minimises interruptions in the production process, due to its high detection accuracy. Grzegorz Cwiek explains: "The ASD 535 is able to detect a fire at an early stage, enabling immediate action to be taken. Production is therefore only interrupted for a short-term period and work can be quickly resumed".

One of the largest networks in Poland
In the office areas, different solutions had to be developed for other requirements and these buildings are now monitored with MTD 533X multi-sensor detectors. For EX zones, such as the fuel depots, special precautions were taken in accordance with ATEX standards. Zener barriers are now used for explosion protection and fire detectors are protected against flying sparks. The fire detectors are connected to a total of 22 Integral IP fire alarm control panels, which are interconnected via a optical fibre line. All components are visually displayed and controlled via two SecoLOG control stations. "We have realised an extremely advanced installation in Września. Together with the other production facilities in Poznan, Volkswagen now has one of the largest networked fire alarm systems in Poland", confirmed Grzegorz Cwiek.

Volkswagen Poland
Września, Poland
Client: Volkswagen

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