Voice Alarm
Essential for public space
We offer the right solution both for efficient evacuation of buildings in an emergency and for information distribution and background music.
For all plant sizes.
Fast and efficient evacuation
Clearly understandable announcements
Situation-specific reaction to events

Voice Alarm

Reliable, powerful and flexible


Cooperation is important. It's also important to be able to react to situations individually as well. This applies to daily business life, especially in the event of fire. That's why we offer you a comprehensive portfolio for all system sizes for every type of  Public Address and Voice alarm application, which can be seamlessly networked with our Integral EvoxX fire alarm control panel.

Concrete instructions
Speech-based information significantly reduces evacuation times
High flexibility
Individually adaptable for every project and every budget
Swiss precision
Future-oriented development and production in Switzerland

System solution APS®-APROSYS

An intelligent system solution that sets international standards and is absolutely user-friendly and future-oriented. Thanks to features such as LAN networking and DSP technology, the system meets your highest demands for speech-based alarm systems SAA, electronic emergency warning systems ENS and general public address solutions.

  • Shopping and exhibition centres
  • Office buildings and hotels
  • Sports and event facilities
  • Airports and railway stations
Speech-based alarm - System solution APS-Aprosys
Intuitive operation
Modular design
Data interface to Integral EvoxX
Speech-based alarm - System solution APS-Aprosys
System solution APS®-APROSYS

An intelligent system solution that sets international standards and is absolutely user-friendly and future-oriented. Thanks to features such as LAN networking and DSP technology, the system meets your highest demands for speech-based alarm systems SAA, electronic emergency warning systems ENS and general public address solutions.

  • Shopping and exhibition centres
  • Office buildings and hotels
  • Sports and event facilities
  • Airports and railway stations
Intuitive operation
Modular design
Data interface to Integral EvoxX

New and future-oriented controller APS-9000

The APS-9000 controller is used as the central functional unit for controlling, monitoring and processing audio signals of the above listed APS®-APROSYS system. With sophisticated integration of all functions, the new APS-9000 significantly reduces the effort and risks involved in the realization of PA/VA projects. Its open system architecture as well as real-time audio transmission according to AES67 ensure user future-proofness.

New and future-oriented controller APS-9000
Compactly designed
All-in-one control
Expandable functions
Future-oriented features
New and future-oriented controller APS-9000
New and future-oriented controller APS-9000

The APS-9000 controller is used as the central functional unit for controlling, monitoring and processing audio signals of the above listed APS®-APROSYS system. With sophisticated integration of all functions, the new APS-9000 significantly reduces the effort and risks involved in the realization of PA/VA projects. Its open system architecture as well as real-time audio transmission according to AES67 ensure user future-proofness.

Compactly designed
All-in-one control
Expandable functions
Future-oriented features
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Remo Gori
g+m elektronik ag
Often invisible. Always unmistakable.
These are our public address and speech-based alarm notification solutions.
Let's get to know one another
From person to person to protect people and values. With us, you can expect international experience, many years of know-how as an innovation leader and many excellent solutions.

More information

Components for Voice Alarm notification

From hardware to software, we supply all system components and ensure that your investment in a Schrack Seconet fire alarm system remains economical and profitable, throughout its entire life cycle. A perfectly-coordinated integrated solution is thereby created in combination with our accompanying services.

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Fire alarm system Integral EvoxX

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The best fire alarm control panel in the world – at least that's what our customers say. It is completely configurable in a redundant way, so you are well protected at all times.

  • For all system sizes
  • Modular and redundant
  • Extendable at any time
Fire alarm control panels Integral EvoxX
Show detailsFire alarm control panels Integral EvoxX
Fire alarm system Integral EvoxX

The best fire alarm control panel in the world – at least that's what our customers say. It is completely configurable in a redundant way, so you are well protected at all times.

  • For all system sizes
  • Modular and redundant
  • Extendable at any time
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Extinguishing control panels Integral EvoxX

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The only extinguishing control panel that can be implemented together with a fire alarm control panel, in one case, and combines fire detection, alarm notification and control of an extinguishing system.

  • Highest availability and secure extinguishing
  • Suitable for all extinguishing technologies
Extinguishing control panels Integral EvoxX
Show detailsExtinguishing control panels Integral EvoxX
Extinguishing control panels Integral EvoxX

The only extinguishing control panel that can be implemented together with a fire alarm control panel, in one case, and combines fire detection, alarm notification and control of an extinguishing system.

  • Highest availability and secure extinguishing
  • Suitable for all extinguishing technologies
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Integral X-LINE

Our automatic fire detectors, sirens, flashing lights, manual call points and intelligent input and output modules are connected to the Integral EvoxX fire alarm control panel via the powerful Integral X-LINE loop. Up to 3500 metres loop length and 250 devices are possible. Short starting times – even when fully expanded.

  • Reliable transmission
  • Highest fail safety
  • Easy installation
  • Flexibly expandable
Fire alarm panel Integral EvoxX - Integral X-Line
Use of existing cabling possible
Integrated short circuit isolators in each device
Fire alarm panel Integral EvoxX - Integral X-Line
Integral X-LINE

Our automatic fire detectors, sirens, flashing lights, manual call points and intelligent input and output modules are connected to the Integral EvoxX fire alarm control panel via the powerful Integral X-LINE loop. Up to 3500 metres loop length and 250 devices are possible. Short starting times – even when fully expanded.

  • Reliable transmission
  • Highest fail safety
  • Easy installation
  • Flexibly expandable
Use of existing cabling possible
Integrated short circuit isolators in each device
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Peripheral devices

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Around 200 available components ensure reliable fire alarm applications through an ideal combination of intelligent sensor technology and optical and acoustic alarm notification.

  • Intelligent and flexible
  • Freely programmable
  • Powerful
Peripherals - Input & Output Modules
Show detailsPeripherals - Input & Output Modules
Peripheral devices

Around 200 available components ensure reliable fire alarm applications through an ideal combination of intelligent sensor technology and optical and acoustic alarm notification.

  • Intelligent and flexible
  • Freely programmable
  • Powerful
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Peter Bock
Product Manager for fire alarm systems | Schrack Seconet
Voice announcements, especially in public places, offer a quick and local distribution of information or help with alarm notification and evacuation.

Good to know

Frequently asked questions and their answers

  • What loudspeakers are available?

    We offer all types of loudspeakers in standard and EN 54-24 design. In addition, some loudspeakers are available with additional attributes and certificates. Our contact persons will be heppy to help you to check your requirements.

  • How often do the systems require maintenance?

    With PA/VA systems there is usually no need for intensive service or maintenance work. From time to time and depending on the ambient conditions, it is recommended to check the air circulation for cooling the units and – if applicable – the dust filter mats used and to replace them if necessary.

    Depending on local regulations, it may also be necessary to check the current usage behaviour of the rooms to be evacuated and the arrangement of the loudspeakers at regular intervals. The focus here is to ensure that an alarm announcement is made with the necessary volume and minimum speech intelligibility (>0.5). Also, battery exchange for the emergency power supply is usually prescribed in a 4-year cycle.

  • Is it possible to connect to a fire alarm control panel?

    Yes. A connection to our Integral EvoxX fire alarm control panel is possible for automated alarm notification and evacuation. Integration is possible either by means of monitored control contacts or via our digital control connection.

  • Can I connect existing systems?

    Yes. Our PA/VA systems can be easily connected to existing PA/VA systems of other manufacturers by means of control contacts and analogue audio channels.

  • Can I network several locations?

    Yes, it's possible. The APS® technology helps to save costs in networking. A standard network connection via Local Area Network (LAN) is sufficient to transmit data and digital audio signals simultaneously over long distances. 


Clients who already place their trust in us

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Help and contact
Schrack Seconet AG

Eibesbrunnergasse 18
1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 857

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