IKEA Components

About the project

The manufactory IKEA Components in Malacky is a part of IKEA Supply Chain and it is 100% owned by IKEA Group, the global giant on furniture market. IKEA Components provides purchase, storage, industrial packaging and distribution of furniture fittings and other furniture components and employs 630 people. The end customers of the manufacturer are suppliers, who produce furniture and accessories for IKEA.

About the solution

IKEA Components company in Malacky - production buildings and warehouses are equipped with more than 1300 multisensor smoke detectors and linear smoke detectors. In the automated warehouse with ceilings up to 30 meters high, aspirating smoke detectors ASD 535 are used for the detection with more than 6500 meters of detection pipes installed direct inside storage racks. All fire alarm panels are connected via fibre optic using Integral LAN network. To help the security employees control fire alarm, Integral IP system is connected and visualized into the existing building management system.

IKEA Components
Malacky, Slovakia

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