K&H Bank Office

About the project

The new „A+” category headquarter of the K&H Bank, one of the most important financial institutions in Hungary, was built on the Danube river bank on the Pest side. The 76,000-square-metre office building provides a high-quality work environment for 2,400 employees. Reflecting the institution's environmental awareness, the building has received the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification. In order to achieve this accolade, Schrack Seconet implemented alternative sources for the energy supply; Rainwater, conservatories and green roofs can also be found in the building. Creating wellbeing and a carefully-tempered workspace was essential during the designing phase.

About the solution

The facility consists of two separate buildings. Schrack Seconet combined more than 6,000  smoke/heat detectors and connected them to 12 Integral fire alarm control panels to ensure buildings are protected from fire risks. In both buildings, a Secolog graphical display and monitoring system now provide full transparency and surveillance. Fire alarm panels perform a wide range of control functions for fire sections, elevators, extinguishing equipment, sound systems as well as for panel control fans and screening equipment.

K&H Bank Office
Budapest, Hungary

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1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 857

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