Jászberényi public library

About the project

Up until the political changes in the late 1980s, the Jászberényi public library also served as the central library for the settlements in the Jász region. The institute is open to diverse cultures. In our changing world, where it's challenging to find traditions and values anymore, public collections and the services they provide are needed more than ever in both print and online formats as well as cultured librarians. The library was refurbished in 2005, and now operates as a people-focused, independent library that keeps on growing and improving.

About the solution

Schrack Seconet fire alarm systems protect the impressive library building and its cultural collection. Optical smoke detectors, heat sensors and manual call points have been installed on a fire alarm loop and they are all monitored by an Integral C fire alarm panel. Security is further enhanced by the system being directly connected to the Szolnok Emergency Services.

Jászberényi public library
Budapest, Hungary

Integral C

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