NMC Royal Hospital Khalifa

Visocall IP for new clinic in Abu Dhabi

About the project

The NMC Healthcare Group operates several top modern private health institutes and hospitals in the United Arab Emirates. In 2016, they introduced the NMC Royal Hospital Khalifa, a new complex with 500 beds in Khalifa City, a prosperous suburb of Abu Dhabi. Just like almost all other hospitals of the NMC Healthcare Group, Schrack Seconet was also in charge of equipping NMC Khalifa with the IP-based communication system Visocall IP.

About the solution

Visocall IP meets the high expectations of NMC Healthcare regarding the communication systems in the hospitals of the group. Therefore, NMC specifically wished for their local partner for electronic hospital systems to use Schrack Seconet as a supplier for the new hospital in Khalifa City.

Full duplex communication
It was particularly important to the hospital managers that Visocall IP allowed for full duplex communication, meaning that data and voice messages be transmissible in both directions at the same time. Furthermore, a separate server was set up in NMC Khalifa for Visocall IP which ensures uninterrupted service even if the hospital server came to fail.   

Security and convenience
Patients as well as doctors and nursing staff can rely on an efficient, networked information and communication technology that meets the daily challenges faced in a high-tech hospital. All in all, Schrack Seconet installed – together with the local partner Modular Concepts LLC – 630 lamp modules, about 400 call and acknowledgement buttons, 340 communications terminals, 300 patient terminals directly by the beds and 60 staff terminals in the nurses’ stations.

NMC Royal Hospital Khalifa
Khalifa City, Saudi Arabia
Hospital/Geriatric medicine/Nursing

Visocall IP

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