Marion Kienastberger

Group Management Order Processing and Export Assistance

When I started at Schrack Seconet in 2002, there were just two employees working in order processing and assistance. Today, there are five of us and I was able to become manager of the team. My job has developed from the beginning, we have new challenges every day and it never gets boring. All our skills are used and ideas for improvements are implemented. We have a completely open communication within the company with a focus on the future.

If I had to describe myself in one word,
it would be "consistent".
Responsibility from the moment the order is received

As soon as a customer places an order, we take over responsibility for:

  • order entry and checking
  • coordination with logistics (delivery date)
  • invoicing and payment control

The preparation of shipping documents in compliance with country-specific regulations and the transport organisation, is also covered by us.

„There is complete open communication in our company. We can talk about everything. When something is good or even when something is not - there's no need to think about it for long. It's always about the future: What will it be like?“
Marion Kienastberger is also
assistant to the export manager Herbert Hübl
My supervisor is there for me

In our team, we are always there to listen to each other. This also applies to my superior. He is strict but fair, and always there for us when we need him. I feel very comfortable at Schrack Seconet, appreciated and at home.

If I had to name one task in my job that I don't like so much, it would be meetings. I am too impatient and like to implement things instead of talking about them.

Marion Kienastberger
Group Management Order Processing and Export Assistance
Since 2002, I have been living my childhood dream at Schrack Seconet, because even then I wanted to become an office employee. Back then, I collected advertising leaflets and played office at home.
Three things I particularly appreciate about my work:
  • My colleagues
  • A boss I can ask anything
  • New challenges every day
The most important lesson in my life so far:

Being human is important.

Marion Kienastberger
Group Management Order Processing & Export Assistance
„I can't imagine why everyone doesn't run towards us with open arms and want to work at Schrack Seconet. Here you can develop and shape yourself. And everyone treats each other openly and fairly.“
We love what we do
and you can tell
Our team spirit, our working atmosphere and our conviction ensure that our customers are the focus of our actions. How does that sound? Good? Then we look forward to receiving your application.

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1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 857

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