Raimund Zangerl

Tyrol Sales Department

I am a trained electrician and passionate firefighter. I turned my hobby into my profession at Schrack Seconet in 2007 and I can't imagine a better company to work for. If there is one thing I particularly like about my work, it is the direct cooperation with authorities and fire brigades.

Raimund Zangerl has been
with Schrack Seconet since 2007
My job

My tasks in the sales department are primarily customer visits as well as the calculation and preparation of quotations. There is not a single task in my field that I don't enjoy doing. I have definitely found my perfect job.

When our customers are satisfied and smile, I know that we have done everything right. And for me, there is nothing better than receiving praise from customers or firefighters for well-implemented fire alarm systems. 


"There is not a single task in my field that I don't enjoy doing.
I have definitely found my perfect job."
Raimund Zangerl
Tyrol Sales Department
If I were to describe myself with one word, it would be "ambitious".
Three things I particularly appreciate about my work:
  • Pleasant working atmosphere
  • Very many freedoms
  • Super supervisor
The most important lesson in my life so far:

At some point, everything comes back (both positive and negative).

Raimund Zangerl
Tyrol Sales Department
I cannot imagine a better company than Schrack Seconet as my employer.

Further employee stories

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Peter Zangger
Peter Zangger
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Eibesbrunnergasse 18
1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 857

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