Visocall Mobile is the key to the highest quality of care
Everyday work in healthcare facilities is complex and exhausting: Did you know, for example, that caregivers travel up to 15 kilometres per shift? With the innovative solution "Visocall Mobile" – the perfect complement to the Visocall IP communication system – Schrack Seconet provides additional relief and takes another step towards digitalisation. Find out more in this blogpost!
Modern healthcare facilities are facing high demands – patients expect first-class medical treatment, compassionate care and an environment where they can feel good. These requirements mean enormous commitment and administrative work for hospitals, nursing and care homes, psychiatric institutions and assisted living facilities. Aggravating conditions such as the increasingly ageing society and acute staff shortages among caregivers add to the tension.
Good connection as a recipe for success
"The increasingly complex requirements on modern healthcare facilities demand intelligent, technical solutions that relieve care staff, are operationally reliable and whose cost-benefit calculation works out,” confirms Christoph Karl, Head of Product Management Health Care at Schrack Seconet. The app Visocall Mobile, the perfect addition to Visocall IP, is such a high-tech solution: It optimises processes, facilitates coordination in departments and helps to save energy, time and costs. Schrack Seconet's system builds on the essential realisation that "keeping in touch" is one of the most important prerequisites for smooth functioning in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics and nursing homes. According to the motto: The more efficient and reliable the connection between all people involved in the care process, the better the quality of care.
Less stress, more time for people
The app Visocall Mobile ensures that patients and residents as well as the care team stay in touch at all times: Push notifications let the care staff know when someone needs something. The direct speech connection to the bed, room or service room enables quick and targeted reactions without friction losses. In addition, the system offers a reminder mode as well as display lists for all calls and informs where colleagues are present at the moment with an overview of all rooms. In this way, the care staff can keep an eye on what is happening on the ward at all times via mobile phone - independent of location and without hurdles. Visocall Mobile not only brings more flexibility for caregivers, but the app also allows them to make more targeted decisions and makes their daily work easier by saving them unnecessary trips. A relief effect that demonstrably leads to stress reduction for the personnel. A more relaxed ward team and more time resources in turn benefit the people being cared for, profiting from a higher quality of care and feel well looked after.
Learn more about Visocall Mobile
Photo: Adobe Stock by michaeljung