Fire protection, digitally enabled

Fire protection, digitally enabled

Fire protection, digitally enabled

Reacting to an alarm, intervening in case of malfunctions, blocking for maintenance work. Until now, if an event occurred at the fire alarm system, you always had to go to the fire alarm control panel to find out the type and location of the alarm and then take the appropriate action. With digital applications, you can receive this information via PC or mobile device. For efficient operation, shorter distances and faster reactions.






















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It's interesting how connected and digital we act in our private environment. Yet still comparatively analogue and mechanical when it comes to fire alarm systems. With digitalised processes, you also achieve a digital infrastructure for your fire protection that communicates the way you do. In the coming weeks, we will show you here on our blog how you can make your fire alarm system fit for the future with digital applications.

Remote display and notification

If construction work or renovation measures were taking place in the building, previously affected detector groups had to be read out on site and, in a next step, deactivated directly at the control centre. Information about alarms could only be recorded and passed on on site at the control panel. In the event of a malfunction, the customer could not forward detailed information to the technician. With digital applications, status messages from the fire alarm control panel can now be routed to the right person in the right place at the right time and the right measures can be initiated more quickly.

Inform, display and interact

With digital remote monitoring, you ensure the efficient operation of your fire alarm system, no matter from which location. Digital maintenance logs ensure high data quality and transparency for both your customers and you. Integral Remote Control helps fire alarm system operators monitor operations digitally. Check all elements of your system in real time and get instant access to fire alarm data. Monitor your system in real time and never miss important events. Maintenance work can thus be planned in advance and interventions take place more quickly if necessary. Maintenance reports can be automatically downloaded and saved for complete and legally compliant documentation. Digitally optimised processes provide more overview and transparency, while seamless data collection provides the reliable basis for remote displays and status messages.

Status updates in real time - the benefits

  • Live information on events of your fire alarm system - independent of location
  • Push notifications to responsible persons for safe and efficient operation
  • Mobile displays reduce legwork and allow for quick and targeted information and intervention in case of an alarm
  • Highest IT security through own data centre and multi-level security concept

Digitising the processes in preventive fire protection

From hardware to software, we supply all system components for a modern fire alarm system. In this way, we ensure that your investment remains economical and profitable over the entire life cycle. In combination with our digital applications, this creates a perfectly coordinated safety solution.

This article is part of a series about our digital applications in fire protection. To learn how to bridge the gap between digital and analogue, read part three of the series- Remote fire protection: optimising processes.

You like that? In our free white paper, you can learn more about why digital applications will make early fire detection even more reliable in the future. We show how you can optimise a fire detection system in five steps with the help of digital processes.

Request it now for free!


(Header Photo:Topf /Cumulus)

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